Fabrice Defever |
Professor of Economics, University of Lille Research Fellow at CEP, London School of Economics |
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| Google Scholar Profile | IDEAS | |
Working Papers |
Evaluating the Impact of Export Finance Support
on Firm-level Export Performance: Evidence from Pakistan, World
Bank Policy Research Paper 9362, 2020, with
Alejandro Riaño and Gonzalo Varela |
♦ Media: [Dawn, August 15, 2020] [Pakistan Development Update: Reviving Exports - The World Bank] [The Express Tribune, November 15, 2021] |
Trade Liberalization and Third-Market Effects, with
Emanuel Ornelas, 2019 |
Innovation Union: Costs and Benefits
of Innovation Policy Coordination with Teodora Borota Milicevic, Giammario Impullitti and Adam Hal Spencer, 2022, CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 17549. |
Articles in Academic Journals |
The Twin Peaks of the Export Intensity Distribution, |
Alejandro Riaño,
Previous version: CEP Discussion Paper No 1505 |
♦ See our Column in VoxEU |
Firm-Destination Heterogeneity and the Distribution of Export Intensity, |
Financial System Architecture and the Patterns of International Trade, |
with |
Trade liberalization, Trade Intermediaries and Firm Productivity: Evidence from China |
All These
Worlds Are Yours, Except India: The Effectiveness of Export Subsidies in
Nepal with José-Daniel Reyes, Alejandro Riaño, Gonzalo Varela, |
Special Economic Zones and WTO Compliance: Evidence from the Dominican Republic |
with José-Daniel Reyes, Alejandro Riaño and Miguel Eduardo Sánchez Martín, Economica, 2019, Vol 86, Issue 343 p. 532-568 [PDF] |
Backgroup paper for the
World Bank Report
"Special Economic Zones in the Dominican Republic |
Subsidies with Export Share
Requirements in China,
with Alejandro Riaño Journal of Development Economics, 2017, Vol 126, p. 33-51 ♦ Best Conference Paper Award 2013 at the 6th FIW research conference ♦ Media: [Dani Rodrik, 2013] [Centrepiece Magazine, 2013] [Political Insight, 2012][Washington Examiner, 2014] ♦ op-ed: [Wall Street Journal - Asia Edition, October 3, 2012] [Le Figaro, December 4, 2012] [VoxEU, January 4, 2013] |
Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economy,
with Christian Fischer
and Jens Südekum Journal of International Economics, 2016, Vol 103, p. 147-165. ♦ See our Column in VoxEU |
Spatial Exporters,
with Benedikt Heid and Mario Larch
Journal of International Economics, 2015, Vol 95, Issue 1, p. 145-156. [PDF] [Online Appendix] |
Gone for Good? Subsidies with Export Share
Requirements in China: 2002-2013,
Alejandro Riaño World Bank Economic Review: Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2015, Issue 2, p. S125-S144. |
Financial Liberalization and the Relationship-Specificity of Exports,
with Jens Südekum Economics Letters, 2014, Volume 122, Issue 3, p. 375-379 |
Productivity, Relationship-Specific Inputs
and the Sourcing Modes of Multinationals,
with Farid Toubal Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2013, Vol 94, p. 245-357 [PDF] [Online Appendix] ♦ Chair Jacquemin award, best paper, ETSG 2008 |
Spatial Organization of Multinational Firms, Canadian Journal of Economics |
Functional Fragmentation and the Location of Multinational Firms in the
Enlarged Europe,
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2006, vol 36, N°5, pp. 658-677. [PDF] |
Chapters in Books | ||
China’s Dual Export Sector, with Alejandro Riaño, in B Zissimos (eds), WTO and Economic Development, 2019, MIT Press. [PDF] | ||
Supplier Search and Re-matching in Global Sourcing, with Christian Fischer and Jens Suedekum, in W Kohler and E Yalcin (eds), New Developments in Global Sourcing, 2018, MIT Press. [PDF] | ||
Is it strategic to attract the service activities of multinational firms? Some empirical evidence, in S Brakman and H Garretsen (eds), Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise, 2008, MIT Press. [PDF] | ||
Policy Reports | ||
Special Economic Zones, Global Value
Chains, and the Degree of Economic Linkages in the Dominican Republic,
World Bank Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice Report, February
2017. |
Older Working Papers | ||
Incomplete Contracts and the Impact of Globalization on Consumer Welfare, 2011, |
CESIfo Working Paper
N° 3484
Other policy-oriented articles | ||
The Twin peaks of Export Intensity, VoxEU, with Alejandro Riaño, December 2017 |
Relational contracts and supplier turnover in the global economy, VoxEU, with Christian Fischer, Jens Südekum, October 2015 |
China’s trading success,
CentrePiece, with Alejandro Riaño,
Summer 2013 |
Protectionism by Exporting, VoxEU, with Alejandro Riaño, December 2012 | ||
China's Mercantilist Subsidies, Wall Street Journal, with Alejandro Riaño, 3rd October 2012 [PDF] | ||
How do French multinational firms organize their international production process?, with Farid Toubal, VoxEU, 26 July 2008 | ||
Importations de biens intermédiaires et choix organisationnel des firmes multinationales françaises, avec Farid Toubal, Economie et Statistique, 2011, n°435-436, pp. 169-184. [PDF] |
Elargissement de l’Union Européenne, Capital Humain et Gouvernance Publique: vers une délocalisation à l’est des activités de services ?, avec Rodolphe Desbordes, Economies et Sociétés, 2007, K, n°17, 5, pp. 751-767. [PDF] | ||
Décomposition Internationale de la Chaîne de Valeur : Une étude de la localisation des firmes multinationales dans l'Union Européenne élargie, avec Jean-Louis Mucchielli, Revue Économique, 2005, vol 55, n°6, pp. 15-41. [PDF] | ||
La France face aux nouvelles tendances de l'investissement international en Europe, avec Fabrice Hatem, Accomex, 2003, n°54, pp 36-44. [PDF] repris dans Le Monde (front page) | ||
Autres publications | ||
Drôle de protectionnisme à la chinoise, Le Figaro, with Alejandro Riaño 4th December 2012 [PDF] | ||